Kimmo Puosi
Kimmo has been trained as a wildernes guide and an ichthyologist. Kimmo is a barefoot guy from Nakkila who has fished at the foamy Nakkila Rapids for all of his life. Kimmo knows each hot spot at the rapids like his own pocket. Kimmo is skilled in many different methods of river fishing. Kimmo has mastered equally smoothly the fly fishing both with single-hand and two-hand fishing tackle, the spinning rod fishing from the riverbank and the rowboat fishing. Kimmo is familiar with all the Finnish and some Norwegian salmon rivers.
Tel. +358 40 831 5998 - Sales Nakkila Rapids and Lohiranta.

Lasse Pauhe
Lasse has been in salmon and sea trout fishing harness for the last 25 years. Lasse’s passion is the rowboat fishing but also fly fishing and spinning rod fishing have become well-known to him with the years. Lasse is familiar with all the Finnish salmon rivers, as well as with many Scandinavian rivers. At the Nakkila Rapids Lasse has been actively fishing for 20 years. Lasse is trained as a fishing guide.
Tel. +358 400 717 128 - Sales Tornionjoki River.